A Joint Microwave and Hard X-Ray Study toward Understanding the Transport of Accelerated Electrons During an Eruptive Solar Flare


The standard flare model, despite its success, is limited in comprehensively explaining the various processes involving nonthermal particles. One such missing ingredient is a detailed understanding of the various processes involved during the transport of accelerated electrons from their site of acceleration to different parts of the flare region. Here we use simultaneous radio and X-ray observations from the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array and the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays on board the Solar Orbiter, respectively, from two distinct viewing perspectives, to study the electron transport processes. Through detailed spectral modeling of the coronal source using radio data and footpoint sources using X-ray spectra, we compare the nonthermal electron distribution at the coronal and footpoint sources. We find that the flux of the nonthermal electrons precipitated at the footpoint is an order of magnitude greater than that trapped in the looptop, consistent with earlier works that primarily used X-ray for their studies. In addition, we find that the electron spectral indices obtained from X-ray footpoints are significantly softer than the spectral hardness of the nonthermal electron distribution in the corona. We interpret these differences based on transport effects and the difference in sensitivity of microwave and X-ray observations to different regimes of electron energies. Such an understanding is crucial for leveraging different diagnostic methods of nonthermal electrons simultaneously to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the electron acceleration and transport processes of solar flares.

The Astrophysical Journal
