"Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena"

Accelerated Electrons Observed Down to <7 keV in a NuSTAR Solar Microflare

We report the detection of emission from a nonthermal electron distribution in a small solar microflare (GOES class A5.7) observed by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, with supporting observation by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar …

Measurement of magnetic field and relativistic electrons along a solar flare current sheet

In the standard model of solar flares, a large-scale reconnection current sheet is postulated to be the central engine for powering the flare energy release$^1-3$ and accelerating particles$^4-6$. However, where and how the energy release and …

Measurement of magnetic field and relativistic electrons along a solar flare current sheet

In the standard model of solar flares, a large-scale reconnection current sheet is postulated to be the central engine for powering the flare energy release$^1-3$ and accelerating particles$^4-6$. However, where and how the energy release and …

Radio Spectroscopic Imaging of a Solar Flare Termination Shock: Split-band Feature as Evidence for Shock Compression

Solar flare termination shocks have been suggested as one of the promising drivers for particle acceleration in solar flares, yet observational evidence remains rare. By utilizing radio dynamic spectroscopic imaging of decimetric stochastic spike …

Radio Spectroscopic Imaging of a Solar Flare Termination Shock: Split-band Feature as Evidence for Shock Compression

Solar flare termination shocks have been suggested as one of the promising drivers for particle acceleration in solar flares, yet observational evidence remains rare. By utilizing radio dynamic spectroscopic imaging of decimetric stochastic spike …

Magnetic Reconnection Null Points as the Origin of Semirelativistic Electron Beams in a Solar Jet

Magnetic reconnection, the central engine that powers explosive phenomena throughout the universe, is also perceived to be one of the principal mechanisms for accelerating particles to high energies. Although various signatures of magnetic …

Magnetic Reconnection Null Points as the Origin of Semirelativistic Electron Beams in a Solar Jet

Magnetic reconnection, the central engine that powers explosive phenomena throughout the universe, is also perceived to be one of the principal mechanisms for accelerating particles to high energies. Although various signatures of magnetic …

The First Focused Hard X-ray Images of the Sun with NuSTAR

We present results from the the first campaign of dedicated solar observations undertaken by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) hard X-ray (HXR) telescope. Designed as an astrophysics mission, NuSTAR nonetheless has the capability of …

The First Focused Hard X-ray Images of the Sun with NuSTAR

We present results from the the first campaign of dedicated solar observations undertaken by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) hard X-ray (HXR) telescope. Designed as an astrophysics mission, NuSTAR nonetheless has the capability of …

Particle acceleration by a solar flare termination shock

Solar flares—the most powerful explosions in the solar system—are also efficient particle accelerators, capable of energizing a large number of charged particles to relativistic speeds. A termination shock is often invoked in the standard model of …