Radio fine structures in dm-cm wavelength range associated with magnetic reconnection processes


Radio bursts with fine structures in decimetric-centimetric wave range are generally believed to manifest the primary energy release process during flare/CME events. By spectropolarimeters in 1-2 GHz, 2.6-3.8 GHz, and 5.2-7.6 GHz at NAOC/Huairou with very high temporal (1.25-8 ms) and spectral (4-20 MHz) resolutions, the zebra patterns, spikes, and new types of radio fine structures with mixed frequency drift features are observed during several significant flare/CME events. In this paper we will discuss the occurrence of radio fine structures during the impulsive phase of flares and/or CME initiations, which may be connected to the magnetic reconnection processes.

Advances in Space Research